Monday, May 23, 2011

A day late too late!

I promised an update, yet I failed to deliver.  Well, some good news and some bad news...
Good news: I managed to work on the game a bit today.
Bad news: I didn't get very far, and just got assigned a huge paper. I doubt I'll get much done on anything in the next few days...!

Yeah there's no real context for this..
What little did I manage to get done on the game today?
Nothing huge, just some level-frameworking so that when David and I finally add some enemy variety all we have to do is write some .txt files and slap some things into place.  I hope all the work is worth it... I don't like this kind of coding, its too dry and I feel like I'm not getting anything done really.  For the most part the phase implementation works, I can type out a quick set of enemies to appear in a certain order/formation relatively quickly and it works mostly without any breaks in the code, so I guess today was a success, it all depends on how you define success though.
Todays level of Win: Moderate to meh
That being said I don't think I'll have a huge amount of time with which to do anything else this week... I have to get on that paper, and then get on that finals studying. Fantastic.

And there's a few other things I have to be doing on the side as well, which aren't relevant to the blog here so I won't bother mentioning them.  I think it's what, 18 days left of me in Chicago?  It's going to blaze by, but not before dragging on with my last darn paper.  Worth 30% of my grade. Who thought THAT was a good idea?

This is how I do math

Dr. Krazo gives his toddler a remote-control bear: Best, or Worst Dad Ever?
- Kev

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