Thursday, April 21, 2011

Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dee

Now offered at a CC near you
I'm plagued by lethargy today!  No bueno!  I'm just tired.  I don't have the energy to do much work aside from twiddling lazily on my game (enemy movement added.  Pretty dumb movement but it's at least been added) and I'm staring down the proverbial barrel of a very real, menacing creature of the dark...


Neigh has such a black word been uttered in my brief existence on this isolated oasis in space (well... it was one. Can't speak for it in the current environmental circumstances)

Okay, So I have three midterms coming up, its just that all of these classes put a huge emphasis on the final and midterms in terms of the end weight of the grade (which I'm not to fond of, turns out, much rather have homework be a bigger but more spread-out grade influence)

I'm just tired.  Really tired, I need a good nights rest and a day where I don't have to worry about getting my homework done.  I come back from class every afternoon and get homework done... then burn out and go on the internet which is a self-ascribed bad habit I need to kick, but regardless at the end of the day I'm just exhausted.  All I really want to do is make headway with the game!  Ironic, I'm here to work on video game design and programming, and my schoolwork gets in the way of me making games.

And Ironic, don't forget that

At least it is finally the weekend, at least I can sleep in tomorrow, and worry about the mountains of reading, writing and studying I have to do then.  Blah.

I think I'll just leave you, dear internet, with a few more doodles and get to bed.  Assuming you like and/or don't mind the doodles, this can be a good thing.  Otherwise, well, my apologies.  I know it's not art, but usually my friends enjoy looking at them, or at least glancing at them, so I hope you do too, interwebz.
Everybody, everybody
Just imagine if he DID have a suit

The bringer of midterms, in robotic form
And this is to Emilie, my dear friend back home, I promised and I have delivered!  I know its not much, but it's something!
First day of training as an air-traffic controller.
- Kev
There's no place like home, there's no place like home...

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