Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Artsy Fartsy Fail

Sprite Sheet!
This is the updated sprite sheet.  Today I decided I'd rather go for the "blocky" style of characterize drawing, unfortunately I also decided I'd go in for solid-collision checking!  The basis is, I've got pixel-per-pixel collision down (thanks to a healthy dose of ze-interwebs) but now I want to make sure my sprites are "solid" and that they cannot pass through each other.  FAT. CHANCE. OF. THAT.

This is what the universe just did to me
I've been bending over backwards all day long trying to figure this one out, but at long last I'm giving up for the night.  I did absolutely no homework today trying to wrestle with the idea of finding the correct dimensions with which to reset the 2D position of my sprite (the image) when it collides with another object so it LOOKS like they never actually collided and are just touching.

What is so frustrating is that I know there's a way to do it, I just don't know it, and I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own.  Odd, hmm?  I get depressed/frustrated over not being able to manipulate images on a computer.  I know, I know, I'm a nerd.
It hurts my... feelings
I've also googled the nuts out of this one, to no avail.  I'm at an utter loss.  I've come across a few methods that are CLOSE, but don't cut it, and I want to do this right.  I've thought about counting the pixels at the interaction of collision (taking all the colliding pixels in a row, and the height of all the colliding pixels at the tallest column of that intersected row... this is my current project, but only out of desperation, I have no idea if this would even work in theory, esp. when you factor in scaling and rotation... eff me) but nothing seems to work.

This is why I quit programming in the first place, and I'm very discouraged.  I'm really excited for this game and I want it to get up and running as soon as possible.  I can move around, shoot bad guys, have them fall out of the picture and have new one spawn, but I can't get this solid collision, and because I've been focusing so much on that I haven't implemented a HUD (Head's up display), interesting enemy patterns/movement or even different kinds of weapons.  This just hasn't been my week.
Do the robot.  I know, it doesn't look like a robot.  I never said  I was a GOOD artist
So... yeah.  I promised an update, here it is.  EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT MORE THAN FOUR HOURS IN THE PAST.... well who knows what.  The lack of sleep was for a very, very, VERY worthy cause so I'm not complaining about that, but I do tend to get a bit frayed around the edges when I don't sleep much.  I'm already 30 minutes past my self-ascribed "bed time" so without further ado...
Pie'ce de re'sistance - Google it, but don't criticize me for not having the accented E's

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