Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two-hour update

Got about two solid hours in today on the game.

No art, unfortunately, but I got a healthy chunk of the core systems in.  I have the systems in place that  I want for the core of the game play experience, now it's just creating interesting test levels with them and testing the initial deployment for mobile devices (part of the end-target for the project)

All in all in those two hours I completed:

- [Fixed] Core single-button-multi-use systems and events for both press and release, with room for multiple different interpretations based on the sequence of the press. Might want to re-do this to allow for certain time-segment sequences to trigger different trees of behavior, could be interesting but I don't think I will want or need that functionality for the duration of this project. Cool idea to keep in mind should I eve try another single-button game.

- Core weapon systems.  Press to begin the process of "aiming" after a jump and the gun will swing out from the "holster" and continue swinging to point straight up, release to fire at any angle in between.

- Core projectile class.  Very simple, standard projectile shenanigans.

- Core damage-interaction systems.  Unity3D works off of the idea of scripts or components being attatched to a single object. Imagine this to be somewhat similar to the Decorator pattern if you're not familiar with the idea of components, but with some differences that I will not get into now because I do not deem it worth the time of discussion and I really want to get to bed right now.
    Essentially there is a component that can take damage, and a component that can give damage. They can exist on the same object (such as an enemy that can be hurt by the player's weapons but can damage the player if the player were unfortunate or masochistic enough to touch them)  There's more to them than that, rules for when the damage taker and/or the take-ee are to report themselves as "finished" and ready to be destroyed, resistances for different damage types, limits to how much damage a take-ee can deal out, if that strength weakens over time or can only touch so many unique takers before it is deemed unusable, etc.

-Prototype level: Gets across the point, has plenty of targets, platforms, etc. to run players to and to tweak values to guns, player speeds, gravity, etc.  Currently not super fun, which is not heartening, but I knew my values out of the box wouldn't feel so great, so plenty of time to tweak and continue with the idea.
Plus I tend to be highly critical of myself and my accomplishments, will release a more public prototype test this weekend to some friends to get better feedback.


-Expand prototype level (more targets, more platforms)
-Tweak player values (gravity, run speed)
-Tweak gun values (speed of "aiming" and projectile types, their speed, damage, falloff, adding in burst fire or shotguns, etc.)
-Preliminary art (not having everything being boxes)

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