Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Technical difficulties

The following were my emotions in the past weekend/half week since the last (real) update.

Boredom/ lack of motivation

Panic that summer is moving too quickly
I have no game updates, and no finished Pong remake.  I have discovered that my radian math was working... but working backwards.  I have spent the past three or four days fiddling with the system on and off, trying to reverse my reversal to get radians to work as they should, and properly.  The thing is XNA also seems to do some weird things with radians.  My perfecionsim has been showing these past few days, and I have got nothing done in my effort to reverse my wrongs.

The problem being, is that my wrongs worked.  If you recall, I linked another Dev Blog for a game called The Witness a week or so ago.  I doubt any of you watched the video, but I watched the video and the writer had some excellent points about programming (from a games perspective) such as make a system that works, worrying about optimization is usually premature.  Now in this instance I'm not trying to optimize... but I am trying to fix something that was only technically broken, not really broken.

So now I must decide.  Do I undo all that I have done and go back to what I had before, a working yet backward system, or forge forward with this bug hunt that has worn me down to the bone?

Tough choice.

I'll let you know what I decide... when I decide it.



I went through with it.  As of now, I have un-reversed everything (noticeable) I'll probably be working through the rest of the stuff later.

In "celebration"...


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