Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sooo... yes.

Sorry for the delay everybody.  Finals have taken over life, as usual.


Don't laugh at me.
...Well, that at the fact that I'm currently typing with one hand, my left arm in a sling.  A mere week before I was set to compete at the Annual Tohkon tournament in Chicago, I manage to separate my shoulder.  So I don't know how much coding will be done in the next few weeks of recovery (hopefully, at best, only two weeks....)
 Hopefully updates will still be forthcoming.  I managed to complete the seven-page paper even with one hand, so that's at least out of my way (except for editing, of course) which means I will have more time to devote to the game, in theory.  Aside from studying for finals, that is.  And trying to move all my crap out of here...

Like a ton of bricks
The last working segment of the game was a stable build that allowed me to create and set enemy phases, which is good, as i've said before all that's to be done now is playtesting, enemy creation and behavior modification.  Whoop.  Too many distractions, and injuries...
Now I can't do judo, workout OR program efficently... what a drag.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A day late too late!

I promised an update, yet I failed to deliver.  Well, some good news and some bad news...
Good news: I managed to work on the game a bit today.
Bad news: I didn't get very far, and just got assigned a huge paper. I doubt I'll get much done on anything in the next few days...!

Yeah there's no real context for this..
What little did I manage to get done on the game today?
Nothing huge, just some level-frameworking so that when David and I finally add some enemy variety all we have to do is write some .txt files and slap some things into place.  I hope all the work is worth it... I don't like this kind of coding, its too dry and I feel like I'm not getting anything done really.  For the most part the phase implementation works, I can type out a quick set of enemies to appear in a certain order/formation relatively quickly and it works mostly without any breaks in the code, so I guess today was a success, it all depends on how you define success though.
Todays level of Win: Moderate to meh
That being said I don't think I'll have a huge amount of time with which to do anything else this week... I have to get on that paper, and then get on that finals studying. Fantastic.

And there's a few other things I have to be doing on the side as well, which aren't relevant to the blog here so I won't bother mentioning them.  I think it's what, 18 days left of me in Chicago?  It's going to blaze by, but not before dragging on with my last darn paper.  Worth 30% of my grade. Who thought THAT was a good idea?

This is how I do math

Dr. Krazo gives his toddler a remote-control bear: Best, or Worst Dad Ever?
- Kev

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I promise an update tomorrow...

A real one, not another picture-filled extravaganza: I'm close to implementing a level system, just know that much.  For real, I will actually get something done tomorrow...

Friday, May 20, 2011

I hate papers

Doodles, Unite!
So here are some doodles.
No big words, no big breakthrough.
You are welcome.

- Kev