Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Time spent: Only around 30-40 minutes. Caught up on the last of Jessica Jones tonight. Good stuff, if you're looking for more netflix to indulge in. Gets very intense.

Didn't get too much done in that time. Got JSON parser in, set up the basic deck, shuffling, working on popping unique cards off of that deck and using the JSON nodes to populate the info. Pretty simple so far, rule changes went without a hitch. Working on value changes now. Slightly trickier, but not by much. Tomorrow is date night with Morgan so I won't get anything done then, I'll have to come back to this on Thursday.

Monday, January 4, 2016


So I know barely anyone still reads this, which probably makes it perfect for the experiment I want to try. I don't think it's any secret that I'm not exactly great at finishing what I've started, but I've put money down on this next thing I'm working on so I need anything I can get my hands on to keep myself accountable. I think having a journal of my work will possibly help motivate me, or at least can be a source of seeing how far I've come when I'm feeling down.

So this is the journal of my work going forward. At least for this one project, code named #RealWinners.

A base description of the project is "Calvin Ball as a Videogame"

I'm pretty excited about it's possibilities, and the system I have in place should be flexible enough to allow me to do this.  I need a playable demo ASAP, and that's my short term goal. The code can be complete shit as long as I get it playable and hopefully fun.

Not many details now, the last part I was working on was the Slap Card system. I need it to load cards, images and descriptions from JSON so I can get a basic deck set up, then I just need to add cards to players hands after they score. That should be about the last thing I need to do before playable. That and re-spawn players at their starting points when the ball drops, but that's not 100% nessecary.

I also need to set up a perforce for my collaborators. Last time I tried to do this it ended badly because there's already a perforce server in our subnet. I should talk to ricky about what he had to do to set this up.

No shame on this project, Gibbs rule #28: if you need help, ask.